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Revolutionary Enterprise Web Analytics

Way more than just a GA replacement; Incendium revolutionizes web tracking with smarter metrics, deeper insights, privacy compliant user-level tracking and an entire multi-touch attribution suite.

How Incendium's Web Analytics is Different

Get The Full Picture On Marketing Spend Efficiency

A big problem with mass-market analytics platforms is that they do not cater well for businesses which convert offline (most B2B). Incendium closes this loop and allows you to fully attribute revenue across all your channels. No more flying blind.

Ecommerce sites have an easier time than B2B, but they mostly rely on biased attribution, last click models and flawed data that can steer them completely in the wrong direction. Incendium changes this.

Does Your Content Marketing Work?

It's potentially one of the most powerful marketing activities you can engage with, but most analytics platforms can't measure it. Marketers have no idea what is working and what isn't. Without being able to attribute revenue, nothing can be optimized and budgets can't be properly allocated.

Incendium solves this with Content Attribution, and true measurement of engagement. Many visits to viral content are single page sessions. They may be extremely positive, but leave it up to a solution like GA and it is counted as a bounce with 0 time-on-page recorded. Incendium records scroll rates, records time on page with in-view timers and can measure micro-interactions to judge effectiveness.

Bounce Rate is Dead

If you are still relying on Bounce Rate to judge success, or Time-On-Page from a mass-market solution, you are doing it wrong. People visit all sorts of pages on your site for all sorts of reasons; it’s only Incendium Analytics which can take into account who they are, what stage of the buying journey they are in, and the purpose of the page they are visiting to assess if a pageview was positive or problematic.

Book a demo with our team and learn more about how we’ve taken engagement measurement to the next level and can deliver an unparalleled understanding of campaign and landing page success.

Multi-layer Tracking Technology

Incendium Core uses several different tracking approaches in parallel to maximise capture.

Delivered at the Edge

Incendium Core tracking is delivered at the edge, meaning a sub-2 millisecond connection time to the visitor.

Improve Meta’s AI Targeting

Passing more accurate and richer data improves META’s AI and increases your ad performance.

how Incendium Core Helped Ucruise

48% Increase in ROAS, in 6 Months!

Ucruise, a thriving Sydney Harbour cruise facilitator, was generating a steady stream of enquiries through various marketing channels. But they were stuck in a data silo.

Incendium's marketing attribution came to the rescue. By integrating Ucruise's sales data, Incendium shed light on which marketing channels were driving the most profitable sales. This helped Ucruise to make data-driven decisions about their marketing spend, maximizing their return on advertising spend (ROAS).


Increase in ROAS in 6 months


Decrease in CAC in 6 months


Increase in sales enquiries in 6 months

Get More Reliable Ecommerce Data

It's often overlooked, but if you're making decisions off flawed data then you could be increasing spend in the wrong areas. Incendium gives you reliable data to increase ROAS. If you'd like a personal demo book in with us today!

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Improve your tracking accuracy and start scaling your ecommerce business with more effective ads

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The Incendium Platform

Incendium Core
Laser Accurate Data Collection Without Limits
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Incendium Analytics
The Most Advanced, Single Source Of Truth For Attribution
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Lightning Landers
Ultra-Fast, High-Converting Landing Pages Launched Without Code
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Conversion Lab
A Low-Code Testing Tool For Consistent Conversion Optimisation
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Bringing Enterprise Level Personalization Tech To The Mainstream
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Incendium Accelerate
Leave The Insights And Optimization To Us, So You Can Focus On What Matters
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Frequently Asked Questions

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